Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ice-Cream Paintings

Othman Toma, an artist from Baghdad, Iraq, has put his watercolor skills to the test by painting with a very unusual "paint"- melted ice-cream.
The ice-cream isn't too far from Toma's usual work – he usually paints with watercolors or draws with pencils. 
More info: Instagram | Facebook (h/t: ponlayookm)



Saturday, August 30, 2014

Beautiful One-Handed Girl

This loving mother, Holly Spring, took up photography after her daughter had struggled early on in life with Hirschsprung's Disease and no left hand. She wants to show her daughter that there are no limits to what she can achieve if she just believes in herself.

"My daughter is my muse and my heart that inspires me to follow my passion and share these unique photos and digital art with you," says Holly.
Her photography won the NZIPP/Epson Iris Portrait Creative Photographer of the Year award in 2014.


