Sunday, June 7, 2009

End of the World - December 21, 2012

End of the World - December 21, 2012. Seven Reasons:
Scientific experts from around the world are genuinely predicting that five years from now, all life on Earth could well finish. Some are saying it'll be humans that set it off. Others believe that a natural phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it'll be God himself who presses the stop button...

1. Mayan Calendar
The first mob to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things:

Building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and Sacrificing Virgins.

Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the Earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it's likely they've got the end of the world right as well.

2. Sun Storms
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery: our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic, and it's supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the Earth with so much radiation energy, it's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse, and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012

3. The Atom Smasher
Scientists in Europe have been building the world's largest particle accelerator. Basically its a 27km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the Universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it's properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They're predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.

4. The Bible says...
If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn't bad enough,religious folks are getting in on the act aswell. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between Good an Evil, has been set down for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.

5. Super Volcano
Yellowstone National Park in the United States is famous for its thermal springs and Old Faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple - it's sitting on top of the world's biggest volcano, and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the Earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.

6. The Physicists
This one's case of bog-simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berekely Uni have been crunching the numbers. and they've determined that the Earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they're claiming their calculations prove, that we're all going to die, very soon - while also saying their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 percent- and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.

7. Slip-Slop-Slap-BANG!
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that sheilds us from most of the sun's radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call north and south have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so - and right now we're about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is underway, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.

News From NASA

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) held a live media teleconference today on the state of our sun, and announced that the solar system's only star will burn out in the year 2012.

Data from the joint NASA and European Space Agency Ulysses mission has indicated that the sun's solar wind is at a 50-year low, said NASA spokesman Dan Groverfield.
"A sun that is less windy is, of course, less gassy," Groverfield explained. "And gas is what powers stars. So basically, our sun is running out of gas and it will burn out on December 21, 2012. So we're all screwed. We'll go over all the boring details during the rest of the teleconference, but it looks like the Mayan calendar is correct."

Scientists had previously calculated that the sun would last another five billion years. But data obtained from the Ulysses mission indicates that the sun has lost much of its magnetic field strength, allowing most of its fuel source — hydrogen gas — to escape into space. As a result, the sun no longer generates enough energy to maintain strong solar winds, or to continue burning for more than a few years.

"Because of the loss of mass, the sun won't expand into a red giant," Groverfield said. "It'll pretty much just peter out."

But even though the new findings are grim, Groverfield insisted the news wasn't all bad.

"The upside to losing the sun is that we no longer need to worry about global warming," he pointed out. "In fact, it might be prudent now to start increasing greenhouse gas emissions."

Former vice president and climate change kingpin Al Gore denounced NASA's findings, and said that a solution for the global warming problem that doesn't involve a carbon tax is irresponsible.

"Taking away the sun without cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions is not a panacea for global warming," he said to reporters outside his Tennessee mansion. "We must be realistic; we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and invest more in the production of renewable resources such as solar energy."

You must have probably heard about the "December 21, 2012 - Doomsday" the day when the world is prophesized to come to an end. In fact, you will find it amusing that this December 21, 2012 - End Of The World prophecy has been backed up by so many religions, calendars, and prophecies. So, is this another theory of Apocalypse that will come and go like the ones we have been seeing or is it the one that we should pay attention to? After digging for several hours through the Internet in this matter, I came up with the following worthy information regarding "The End Of The World.

Mayan Calendar: The ancient Mayan calendar states that the world will end in December 21, 2012. The Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from the 6 A.D. to 9 A.D. They were obsessed with time-keeping, and in fact, their calender were so incredibly precise that its interlocking time scales of lunar, solar, and planetary cycles could accurately predict solar/lunar eclipses thousands of years into the future. This accurate calendar however mysteriously ends on December 21, 2012!

It states that on December 21, 2012, the sun rises on the dark rift of the center of the milky way which is referred to as a black hole. In the last five years, the western astronomers have in fact discovered that there is in fact an enormous black hole at the center of our milky way galaxy. The contemporary astronomers concur with the Mayans. On 21st of December, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with the Sun and the center of our milky way galaxy, a galactic event which takes place only once every 25,800 years! No one knows what effect this extraordinary alignment will have on our planet, but the Mayans believe it would be terrible!

Planet Eris or Planet X or NibiruPlanet Eris/"Nibiru" or Planet-X and the Global warming: This theory suggests that the real cause of climate changes, volcanic activities, and intensification of the seismic activity etc. is the planet Eris's getting closer to our solar system once in 3600 years, named as 2003-UB-313, which ultimately results in the melting of the glaciers! This Planet Eris or so called "Nibiru" was first observed in October 21, 2003, using 1.22 m Oschin telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory (California). It is said to have passed between Mars and Jupiter some 7200 years ago, which most probably had triggered the cataclysm "Noah's flood" and again this will be at the close proximity to Earth between 2010 and 2012, which can cause massive melting of the glaciers, causing huge tidal waves and ultimately, the return of the Noah's flood!

I Ching: Another sets of factors backing up this December 21, 2012 Doomsday is the I Ching prophecy. Despite the views of skeptics, the 5000 years old I Ching has become an oracle of the doomsday. The highs and lows of the I Ching graphs seems to have accurately corresponded to the fall of the roman empire, discover of the new world, and world wars of the 20th century, and the strangest things of all was, the time line came to an end to the exact specific date, December 21, 2012! Is it a coincidence that both prophecies of I Ching and Mayan Calendar came to the same exact date and time? In fact, many world's religions and most famous prophets reference that something cataclysmic will happen around December 21, 2012. The medieval predictions of Merlin, The Book of Revelation, and the well-known Chinese Oracle of the "I Ching" all point to this specific date as the end of civilization.

The Bible Code & Nostradamus Prophesies: According to the certain algorithms of Bible code, a meteor,asteroid, or comet will soon collide with the Earth.

Everybody knows the Nostradamus prophesies, that have very accurately predicting many world leaders rising to power and major events in the past. His prophesies were accurate in predicting the demise of the World Trade Centers in 2001 as well.

Even the book "The Nostradamus Code" further speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by some kind of a "comet" and those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus states that he might have further indicated the possibility of a "Third World War" where nuclear wars can create "comet-like" mass destructions everywhere

So are we going to have a Third World War? At the current scenario, it seems we might have - proving the Nostradamus Prophesies.

Even the high-tech oracles which is not even human, i.e., "Web-Bots" are predicting the end of the world as December 21, 2012, besides the Mayan, I Ching, Merlin, Book Of Revelation, etc. Is it just a coincidence or a meaningless pattern of random events?

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