Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nasty Shark

That's one bad fish: Photographer gets shot of a lifetime after short-tempered shark circles his boat for two hours

These terrifying pictures show the moment a photographer was circled by a hungry shark - for two hours.
Brave Sam Cahir refused to panic during the real-life Jaws scenario - getting in the water with his camera to capture these incredible shots.
Australian Sam had been taking part in a Great White tagging trip when he found himself face-to-face with the deadly predator off the Neptune Islands, South Australia.
Unwelcome guest: This bad-tempered shortifn Mako shark circled a photographer's boat for hours
Tough customer: This bad-tempered shortfin Mako shark circled a photographer's boat for two hours and only left after filling up on bait which was thrown into the water

The Shortfin Mako shark - which have been known to attack humans eventually left after eating tuna baits thrown into the water.

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