Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Artistic Google Street Views

Italian artist turns Google Street View glitches into masterpieces

Most people use Google Street View to get around, scout a neighborhood or pretend they are on vacation, but one artist had another idea.
Emilio Vavarella, from Italy, has taken technical glitches found on the ubiquitous service and made them into something greater.
'Report A Problem' is a showcase of some of the more unusual Street View glitches found by Mr Vavarella.
Other projects have attempted to illustrate how to view local nature on the site, or to see flash mobs - but nothing has been done with the glitches until now.
The project is made up of 100 such images, which Mr Vavarella made a selection of available to MailOnline.
Melded together: One building appears to melt into another in this picture
Melded together: One building appears to melt into another in this picture
We have a problem: This picture shows where a camera had a technical difficulty
We have a problem: This picture shows where a camera had a technical difficulty
Vortex: This haunting image appears to show a vortex through which another world is visible
Vortex: This haunting image appears to show a vortex through which another world is visible
The great fog: An impenetrable fog appears to cloud view of this building
The great fog: An impenetrable fog appears to cloud view of this building
Sinkhole: The people in this picture appear about to walk into an abyss
Sinkhole: The people in this picture appear about to walk into an abyss
Groovy: This image looks like the result of a few too many Instagram filters being used
Groovy: This image looks like the result of a few too many Instagram filters being used
Otherworldly: A spaceship appears to be hovering just over a tree in this picture
Otherworldly: A spaceship appears to be hovering just over a tree in this picture
Run for your lives!: A radioactive waterfall appears to be flowing right next to where people are calmly walking by
Run for your lives!: A radioactive waterfall appears to be flowing right next to where people are calmly walking by
Another dimension: This road looks like it leads to a   fourth dimension
Another dimension: This road looks like it leads to a fourth dimension
Poor editing: This image looks like two images poorly spliced together - but it's just a street view camera glitch
Poor editing: This image looks like two images poorly spliced together - but it's just a street view camera glitch
Psychedelic: Fields come across as pink with green trees for a psychedelic effect
Psychedelic: Fields come across as pink with green trees for a psychedelic effect
Radioactive road: This road appears to have a greeish glow to it
Radioactive road: This road appears to have a greeish glow to it
A new New York underground: One of the four underground tunnels leading into and out of Manhattan takes on a whole new color scheme
A new New York underground: One of the four underground tunnels leading into and out of Manhattan takes on a whole new color scheme
All jammed up: Three images appear to be jumbled together in this glitch
All jammed up: Three images appear to be jumbled together in this glitch
Stepping back in time: This glitch makes it look like images from now and the past have been spliced together
Stepping back in time: This glitch makes it look like images from now and the past have been spliced together
Locally heavy fog: This glitch shows an imperfection that appears to be a tiny bit of very dense fog
Locally heavy fog: This glitch shows an imperfection that appears to be a tiny bit of very dense fog
Inside the matrix: The living looks to intercede with the digital in this parking lot
Inside the matrix: The living looks to intercede with the digital in this parking lot
No filter: This image looks like another Instagram job, but it's just faulty Street View cameras
No filter: This image looks like another Instagram job, but it's just faulty Street View cameras
It's like 3D without the glasses: This street view looks like a 3D movie, but without the glasses
It's like 3D without the glasses: This street view looks like a 3D movie, but without the glasses
Glow in the dark cars: The color is so far off in this shot that cars appear to glow in the dark
Glow in the dark cars: The color is so far off in this shot that cars appear to glow in the dark
This doesn't look right: Finding one's self here means you took more than a few wrong turns
This doesn't look right: Finding one's self here means you took more than a few wrong turns
Streaking lights: This scene looks like lights streaking quickly past the camera -- too fast
Streaking lights: This scene looks like lights streaking quickly past the camera -- too fast
Jittery: The camera appears to have jumbled several shots at a time together
Jittery: The camera appears to have jumbled several shots at a time together

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