Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Cheat Sheet For the Next 100 Quintillion Years

A Cheat Sheet For the Next 100 Quintillion YearsSEXPAND
Did you know the Hale-Bopp comet will return 2,372 years from now, while in 50,000 years, Niagara Falls will disappear? And a mere 5 million years from now, men will be extinct, thanks to the Y chromosome's instability. These are just some of the gems in the BBC'sTimeline of the Far Future, a major events forecast for the next 100 quintillion years.
It's fascinating to learn how long certain materials will take to break down — the titanium in your MacBook will only start corroding after 100,000 years, while it will take 1 million years for humanity's glass products to disintegrate. To be honest, a lot of these predictions seem a bit speculative: In 20 billion years, will the universe be torn apart? In a trillion years, will stars really cease to form? Doesn't really matter — according to this thing, we'll already be long extinct at that point. [BBC via Digg]
A Cheat Sheet For the Next 100 Quintillion Years

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