Thursday, January 16, 2014

Forgotten Pyramids Of Tucume In Peru.

We all know how pyramids are mysterious and wonderful buildings. We yet don't know how exactly they were built and what was their main purpose and they still remain one of the most interesting things from human's past.
There is already a large number of well known pyramids, but there are some of them which still remain unseen and less popular. Here you'll see some interesting photos of forgotten Tucume pyramids which are located in Lambayeque Valley at the North Coast of Peru.

There are about 26 major pyramids and platforms at the Lambayeque Valley and the largest of them is Huaca Larga which measures 700 meters in length, 280 meters in width and 30 meters in height. It is believed that those pyramids were built around 1000-1500 AD.

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