Best known for his development of electromagnetic theory, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell dabbled in color theory throughout his life, eventually producing the first color photograph in 1861. Maxwell created the image of the tartan ribbon shown here by photographing it three times through red, blue, and yellow filters, then recombining the images into one color composite.
First Nighttime Animal Photos Photograph by George Shiras
This flashlight photograph of a white-tailed doe with her fawns was among the world's first nighttime photographs of animals, shot by photographer and wildlife enthusiast George Shiras. A pioneer in flashlight and trip-wire photography, Shiras captured this shot in Whitefish River, Michigan, around 1906, using a remote-control flashlight camera triggered when an animal stepped on the trip wire. First Photo of the North Pole Photograph by Admiral Robert E. Peary
That isn't the first picture of a tornado. The first one was taken in Anderson County, Kansas on April 26, 1884, four months before the one shown here. One of the reasons this one stole the original is because one: people actually died in this tornado and two: it looks more dramatic than the first one.
That isn't the first picture of a tornado. The first one was taken in Anderson County, Kansas on April 26, 1884, four months before the one shown here. One of the reasons this one stole the original is because one: people actually died in this tornado and two: it looks more dramatic than the first one.